Before I report my Singapore Airlines in Suites which will be heavy in pictures I wanna report the last flight of the ticket.When I bought the ticket it was planned to be an CS300 without First and First is not sold to Cairo. When they changed the plane to A330 with First,I tried to select the First Cabin even if getting Business service but could not.
Too bad.
The famous bar... Just for the picture for me. Too early for me ;)

I quickly went to the other side to check the breakfast buffet since I'm the clock.

Many tables to seat.

The main advantage of that lounge is the stunning view loved by many of us !

A dream place !

My boarding pass.

Welcome to the Business Class cabin.

Adan's seat !

My seat..

The screen is small.

The flight is fairly empty.

Bed position. I can barely move my feet.

Fair breakfast.

Seb it was much better than the one on AF.

I manage to sleep 30 min.

Isn't it gorgeous ?

As we leave the plane we go through the First Class cabin..

Once again I come back to Le Meridien for my overnight stay.

A good and cheap meal.

Nice view from the pool with the sunset.

Thanks Thomas for the TR, nice lounge and good meal onboard. A dream to see the pyramids for real.
Nice one. That view is just awesome. Thanks for the YTR.
Fantastic view ! Thanks for taking the time to write in English for us !
Hi Thomas,
The lounge looks welcoming and the terrace is a very unique feature.
Overall a very nice flight. Did LX provide an amenity kit on this route? I think some airlines treat Europe-CAI flights like a long haul intl one and provide the kits.
Amazing view of the pyramid upon landing. Kind of reminds me of a TWA commercial. ;)
See you.
Thanks for the comment.
Salut Thomas!
J’ai failli le rater ce TR!
Sympa le changement d’appareil mais dommage de ne pas avoir pu profiter de la cabine la plus à l’avant! Le salon a l’air sympa.
Superbe vue à l’arrivee!
Un vol vers CAI qui te change un peu de Ms!
Merci pour le partage l’ami
Salut Thomas, un vol agreable en somme ;-)
C'est vrai que l'ecran fait un peu petit comme ça.
La vue est a tomber en revanche ! Mon seul passage a CAI a été de nuit ! arrivée et depart !
Tres jolies photos !
A bientot
Great review Thomas. Thank you. Gorgeous pic before landing.
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